Health Tips For Beautiful, Youthful Skin.

It's no news that everyone both males and females want beautiful skin. Women, however, take it to another level by using all sorts of products whether good or bad for their skin.
There are simple things you can do that that will improve the appearance of your skin, prevent premature aging and keep you looking beautiful. All these without breaking the bank or subjecting your skin to harsh chemicals.
The American Academy of Dermatologists (2017), gives us some health tips to beautiful, youthful skin:

  1. Apply sunscreen daily :This cannot be overemphasized. The sun is one of the greatest enemies of our skin. Too much exposure can lead to skin cancer and accelerate aging.Try to avoid the sun during high intensity hours between 10 a.m and 4 p.m. if you must go out, use a cream with sunscreen. At least SPF-30 or higher.
  2. Avoid smoking: In addition to all the health hazards associated with smoking, it speeds up aging and causes collagen, a protein in skin to diminish fast. collagen maintains skin strength. Smoking also leads to a reduction in nutrients skin recieves thereby making skin appear wrinkled and aged.
  3. Reduce intake of Alcohol : Alcohol also causes dehydration making your skin look old and tired. So if you must drink, make sure to take lots of water
  4. Use skin care products that are good for your skin type : There are different skin types. Using products that meet your specific skin needs will go a long way in improving your skin health. However, moisturising is good for all skin types generally as it helps to trap water in your skin, protects the skin from harsh weather conditions and from drying up and looking dull. 
  5. Wash your face frequently but gently : Try to wash your face when you wake up, after sweating, after a da's work. Ensure to remove dirt and make up. But don't over scrub as it irritates your skin and use mild soaps and cleansers.
  6. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: They keep your skin looking fresh and contain anti-oxidants that prevent damage to skin and cause premature skin aging.
  7. Avoid frowning and other Repetitive facial expressions:  if your repeatedly make facial expressions, it contracts your facial muscles and over time this will lead to lines and wrinkling.
  8. Avoid stress and sleep well: a good night's sleep is important to healthy skin. If you don't sleep well, it makes you skin appear tired and old with bags under the eyes. Stress also affects your skin negatively.
  9. Exercise regularly : it helps to improve circulation and boost the immune system and helps your skin look radiant and younger.
In summary, living healthy and practicing healthy habits will affect not just your bodily functions and systems, it will also make you look beautiful.
Till my next post, stay well, take lots of water, fruits and veggies, avoid the sun, wash your face gently, don't stress or frown, sleep well, exercise, use a moisturiser and stay healthy-pink.
Dr Anire Oduko.


  1. American Academy of Dermatologists. Available online at
  2. Paddock C. (2015) "Tips for Healthy and Young Looking skin". Available online at


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