Tips for Managing Stress Naturally.
Photo credit: Sandra James. A lot of people in our society are stressed. This plays out in different ways - inability to sleep at nights, digestive problems, constant headaches and other physical symptoms that may not be traced to an organic cause. Stress is a physiological response that occurs when someone is going through life issues and/or events and feels unable to cope. It is normal to feel stressed at times but when it becomes sustained and is affecting ability to perform normal roles and responsibilities it becomes a problem and may lead to mental breakdown, causing conditions like depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Everyone goes through stressful conditions at times. People's ability to handle stress however, differs. Some people function better under pressure while others may breakdown. Some events that can lead to stress include: Pressure at work Caring for a new born baby. A housewife caring for the home and children without help. Loss of a loved one. Lo...