Malaria Elimination - A Light at the end of the Tunnel?
April 25th was World Malaria day and though that was five days ago, the good news about malaria is still trending so I thought it would be nice to blog about it. Finally a Malaria vaccine has been approved to be tested in 3 african countries and there's no one in the world happier about it than me. I can just imagine the impact an effective malaria vaccine would have on the quality of life of children, pregnant women and the whole Nigerian population. Malaria is still the commonest diagnosis made in Nigerian hospitals. Well, I think so, as 70% of the patients I see on an out-patient basis have malaria, be it adults or children. And this is right now, when reports say that the rate of new malaria cases in sub-sahara africa including Nigeria have reduced by 21% and deaths due to malaria have reduced by 31%. So just imagine how bad it must have been about 10 years ago. Even right now, according to the WHO, a child still dies every 2 minutes from malaria. We are gratefu...