
Showing posts from April, 2017

Malaria Elimination - A Light at the end of the Tunnel?

April 25th was World Malaria day and though that was five days ago, the good news about malaria is still trending so I thought it would be nice to blog about it. Finally a Malaria vaccine has been approved to be tested in 3 african countries and there's no one in the world happier about it than me. I can just imagine the impact an effective malaria vaccine would have on the quality of life of children, pregnant women and the whole Nigerian population. Malaria is still the commonest diagnosis made in Nigerian hospitals. Well, I think so,  as 70% of the patients I see on an out-patient basis have malaria, be it adults or children. And this is right now, when reports say that the rate of new malaria cases in sub-sahara africa including Nigeria have reduced by 21% and deaths due to malaria have reduced by 31%. So just imagine how bad it must have been about 10 years ago. Even right now,  according to the WHO, a child  still dies every 2 minutes from malaria. We are gratefu...

Body Odour - A definite No-No!

So, I went to a supermarket the other day to get some groceries and this shop attendant, quite a pretty lady offered to help me carry my basket. She also directed me to the different sections where I could get stuff I needed. Even though she was pleasant looking and helpful, what stands out about the encounter was the really bad body odour she had. I mean, it was really bad making me wonder how a young, pretty girl like that could smell that bad and be oblivious to it. I could'nt tell her of course, but it definitely inspired this post. Body odour is an unpleasant smell from the skin or body of a person. It can emanate from different parts of the body : -The mouth medically known as halitosis. -The underarms, skin or genitals medically known as bromhidrosis. -The feet, known as bromodosis. Body odour usually results when bacteria on the skin break down the acids in sweat. It is usually more common after puberty because that is when the apocrine and eccrine glands that produce ...

Are You having Heavy Menstrual Periods?

Many women complain of bleeding excessively during their menstrual periods. In medicine, this is called menorrhagia. Menorrhagia is usually diagnosed when a women is losing blood of more than 80 mls per period. However, though I don't expect you to start measuring your blood loss to see if it's up to 80mls, there are some symptoms that can be a pointer to menorrhagia. These include: -frequent change of pads or tampons due to it being full. -feeling weak or dizzy during or immediately after your period. -menstrual period affecting quality of life. Your menstrual period should not affect your quality of life. If you can't go to work or engage in your normal daily activities because you are on your period, there just may be a problem. What are the causes of Heavy menstrual bleeding? - No known cause : This is very common and even after investigations, no cause may be found. In medicine, this is called "dysfunctional uterine bleeding". -Fibroid: This is a very ...

Hello and welcome

Hello People, Welcome to my blog. This is my very first post and I am quite pleased to introduce myself, my blog and share my knowledge, thoughts and ideas with you. The idea for this blog came out of a desire to bridge the health education gap in Nigeria. As a practicing Doctor, I have noticed that though there is an increasing awareness in health issues in Nigeria, a lot of people are still largely ignorant on practices, choices and issues that affect their health. Lots of people still engage in cultural practices that are harmful to health. Not on purpose of course, they are not just aware that their practices could negatively affect their health or the health of people around them. Others, though very well-informed may just have health needs, concerns or questions that need quick answers without going physically to a hospital. Other people may just need reliable, up-to-date health information to guide decision making. And that is where I come in. I am a practicing Medical d...